NOC - NSF | Designed by DESARC
In collaboration with AtmR | Architect DESARC | Design DESARC | Photographer Sjoerd van de Hucht

Library Deventer
In collaboration with KVS | Designed by Jan David Hanrath | Hanratharchitect | Photography Joep Jacobs www.joepjacobs.nl

Museum Reykjavik-IMG4217
In collaboration with and designed by Kossmann.dejong | THG Arkitektar

2018 | My Fitness Estonia
In collaboration with My Fitness | Designed by FEEK

2017 | Stadkamer Zwolle
In collaboration with SKO | Designed by JHK Architecten

2017 | Budget Hotel
in collaboration with Haklander Interieurbouw B.V. | Designed by Sheryl Leysner | Architect Oeverzaaijer Architecten | Photography Annelore van Herwijnen

Jims Luxembourg | Mobilier Crossfit
In collaboration with ABC Plan ID (Belgium) | Jims Luxembourg | Mobilier Crossfit

2017 | UvA | Enderberg | MDF coated
In collaboration with Enderberg | UvA | Designed by Aiscube - Tanja Buijs-Vitkova

2017 | Accom Interieurs B.V. | Restaurant
In collaboration with Accom Interieurs BV